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A Research Museum

Biological research museums have a mission similar to that of libraries, but instead of preserving books, they preserve organisms and the things they produce (such as nests or songs). Collections grow through the activities of faculty, students, and other researchers, through donations, as well as by exchange with other museums.  As they grow, collections increase in value, preserving samples of natural variation, documenting the occurrence of species in space and time, and providing the basis for our understanding of species identity. Biological collections are also the source of the information regarding evolutionary relationships, whether morphological or genetic.  With this context, we can understand through comparison how the bodies, behavior, and ecology of the species that make up our flora and fauna have changed and evolved through time. This critical role of museums is often invisible to people who are used to thinking of them only in terms of exhibits. As a research museum, we have no space dedicated to public displays. However, we do offer individual tours of the facility: see the information under the Collections tab to learn how to arrange your own visit.