Audio CDs

The Borror Lab has four audio CD productions available for purchase. To order, send a check for the total amount (each CD costs $10), plus $5 per order for shipping, to the address below. Make the check out to The Ohio State University, and include the shipping address and the title(s) requested. Select the titles to the right for more information.

Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics
The Ohio State University
1315 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212-1192   USA

Phone: (614) 292-2176

Voices of Ohio Birds CD cover
Voices of Ohio Birds CD










This audio CD is a guide to the songs and calls of 163 species of Ohio's most common birds. To order, send a check made out to The Ohio State University for $10 per CD, plus $5 per order for shipping, to the address above.

Specify which of the two versions you are requesting—the bird recordings are the same on both:

  • Short version: Narration includes species names only (total playing time 44:05)
  • Extended version: Narration also includes brief information on
    where and when each species is found in Ohio (total playing time 63:54)


Track Listing

Short .mp3 samples (2-4 seconds) are available of four of the highlighted tracks below:

  1. Pied-billed grebe
  2. American bittern
  3. Great blue heron, Great egret
  4. Green heron
  5. Tundra swan, Canada goose
  6. Wood duck,,American wigeon
  7. American black duck, Mallard
  8. Blue-winged teal, Northern shoveler
  9. Green-winged teal
  10. Osprey, Bald eagle
  11. Cooper’s hawk
  12. Red-shouldered hawk, Broad-winged hawk, Red-tailed hawk
  13. American kestrel
  14. Ring-necked pheasant
  15. Ruffed grouse
  16. Wild turkey, Northern bobwhite
  17. Virginia rail, Sora
  18. American coot
  19. Killdeer
  20. Greater yellowlegs, Lesser yellowlegs, Solitary sandpiper
  21. Least sandpiper, Spotted sandpiper
  22. Pectoral sandpiper, Dunlin
  23. Wilson’s snipe, American woodcock
  24. Bonaparte’s gull, Ring-billed gull
  25. Herring gull, Great black-backed gull
  26. Forster’s tern
  27. Rock pigeon, Mourning dove
  28. Yellow-billed cuckoo
  29. Eastern screech-owl
  30. Great horned owl
  31. Barred owl
  32. Common nighthawk, Whip-poor-will
  33. Chimney swift, Ruby-throated hummingbird
  34. Belted kingfisher
  35. Red-headed woodpecker
  36. Red-bellied woodpecker
  37. Yellow-bellied sapsucker
  38. Downy woodpecker, Hairy woodpecker
  39. Northern flicker, Pileated woodpecker
  40. Eastern wood-pewee
  41. Eastern phoebe
  42. Acadian flycatcher, Willow flycatcher
  43. Great-crested flycatcher
  44. Eastern kingbird
  45. White-eyed vireo
  46. Yellow-throated vireo, Blue-headed vireo, Red-eyed vireo
  47. Warbling vireo
  48. Blue jay
  49. American crow
  50. Horned lark
  51. Purple martin
  52. Tree swallow, N. rough-winged swallow
  53. Bank swallow, Cliff swallow
  54. Barn swallow
  55. Black-capped chickadee, Carolina chickadee, Tufted titmouse
  56. White-breasted nuthatch, Red-breasted nuthatch
  57. Brown creeper
  58. Carolina wren, House wren
  59. Golden-crowned kinglet, Ruby-crowned kinglet
  60. Blue-gray gnatcatcher
  61. Eastern bluebird
  62. Veery, Swainson’s thrush
  63. Hermit thrush, Wood thrush
  64. American robin
  65. Gray catbird, Brown thrasher, Northern mockingbird
  66. European starling
  67. Cedar waxwing
  68. Blue-winged warbler
  69. Tennessee warbler, Nashville warbler
  70. Northern parula, Cerulean warbler
  71. Yellow warbler, Chestnut-sided warbler
  72. American redstart, Black-and-white warbler
  73. Cape May warbler, Palm warbler,  Yellow-rumped warbler
  74. Black-throated blue warbler, Prairie warbler
  75. Black-throated green warbler, Blackburnian warbler
  76. Yellow-throated warbler, Pine warbler
  77. Bay-breasted warbler, Blackpoll warbler
  78. Ovenbird, Northern waterthrush, Louisiana waterthrush
  79. Magnolia warbler, Hooded warbler
  80. Wilson’s warbler, Canada warbler
  81. Kentucky warbler, Common yellowthroat
  82. Yellow-breasted chat
  83. Summer tanager, Scarlet tanager
  84. Eastern towhee, American tree sparrow
  85. Chipping sparrow, Field sparrow
  86. Vesper sparrow, Song sparrow, Savannah sparrow
  87. Grasshopper sparrow
  88. Fox sparrow, Lincoln’s sparrow
  89. White-crowned sparrow, White-throated sparrow
  90. Swamp sparrow, Slate-colored junco
  91. Lapland longspur
  92. Northern cardinal, Rose-breasted grosbeak
  93. Indigo bunting
  94. Bobolink, Red-winged blackbird
  95. Common grackle, Eastern meadowlark
  96. Brown-headed cowbird
  97. Orchard oriole, Baltimore oriole
  98. House finch, American goldfinch
  99. House sparrow

CD version of Borror's original (1956) narrated guide to the sounds of 40 insects of the Eastern United States. Narration includes basic information about each species. To order, send a check made out to The Ohio State University for $10 per CD, plus $5 per order for shipping, to the address below.


Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics
The Ohio State University
1315 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212-1192   USA

Phone: (614) 292-2176      


Track Listing

(Total playing time 24:32)
Short mp3 samples (about 4 seconds each) are available of two of the highlighted tracks below

  1.  Introduction
  2.  Snowy tree cricket
  3.  Common meadow katydid
  4.  Common true katydid
  5.  Say's trig
  6.  Black-legged meadow katydid
  7.  Fall field cricket
  8.  Handsome trig
  9.  Long-spurred meadow katydid
  10.  Carolina ground cricket
  11.  Jumping bush cricket
  12.  Woodland meadow katydid
  13.  Allard's ground cricket
  14.  Northern mole cricket
  15.  Straight-lanced meadow katydid
  16.  Tinkling ground cricket
  17.  Protean shieldback
  18.  Short-winged meadow katydid
  19.  Striped ground cricket
  20.  Sword-bearing conehead
  21.  Slender meadow katydid
  22.  Spotted ground cricket
  23.  Nebraska conehead
  24.  Sprinkled locust
  25.  Confused ground cricket
  26.  Slightly musical conehead    
  27.  Swamp ground cicada
  28.  Black-horned tree cricket
  29.  Robust conehead
  30.  Linne's cicada
  31.  Four-spotted tree cricket
  32.  Greater angle-wing
  33.  Pruinose cicada
  34.  Broad-winged tree cricket
  35.  Lesser angle-wing
  36.  Robinson's cicada
  37.  Narrow-winged tree cricket    
  38.  Oblong-winged katydid
  39.  Lyric cicada
  40.  Two-spotted tree cricket
  41.  Texas bush katydid

This CD is a guide to the vocalizations of 15 frog and toad species that breed in Ohio. Basic information about each species is included in the narration for each track. To order, send a check made out to The Ohio State University for $10 per CD, plus $5 per order for shipping, to the address below.

Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics
The Ohio State University
1315 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212-1192   USA

Phone: (614) 292-2176     


Track Listing

(Total playing time 17:28)
Short mp3 samples (5 seconds each) are available of three of the tracks below

  1. Introduction
  2. Eastern spadefoot       
  3. Eastern American toad
  4. Fowler’s toad
  5. Blanchard’s cricket frog
  6. Cope’s gray treefrog
  7. Gray treefrog
  8. Northern spring peeper
  9. Western chorus frog
  10. Mountain chorus frog
  11. Bullfrog
  12. Green frog
  13. Wood frog
  14. Northern leopard frog
  15. Southern leopard frog
  16. Pickerel frog
  17. Credits

This CD contains an hour of frog and toad solos and medleys, without narration, for ambient background listening. To order, send a check made out to The Ohio State University for $10 per CD, plus $5 per order for shipping, to the address below.

Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics
The Ohio State University
1315 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43212-1192   USA

Phone: (614) 292-2176      


Track Listing

(Total playing time 60:55)
Short mp3 samples (15 seconds each) are available of two of the tracks below

  1.  Wood frogs & spring peepers
  2.  Spring peepers
  3.  Mountain chorus frogs & spring peepers
  4.  Pickerel frogs & spring peepers
  5.  Western chorus frogs & northern leopard frogs
  6.  American toads
  7.  Gray treefrogs & spring peepers
  8.  Fowler’s toads & gray treefrogs
  9.  Gray treefrogs, green frogs & bullfrogs
  10.  Green frogs & bullfrogs
  11.  Green frogs, bullfrogs & Blanchard’s cricket frogs
  12.  Eastern spadefoot toads