A Celebration of Biodiversity

The first Museum Gala & Open House was held on April 29-30, 2005. Doors opened at noon and closed at 4pm.
The event started on the afternoon of Friday, April 29 with a scientific program in the Museum Auditorium, with talks by several returning alumni. Refreshments were provided and posters of Museum research projects were displayed in the halls. The program was followed by a cocktail party that included the dedication of the OSU Insect Collection in honor of Dr. Charles A. Triplehorn.
Later that evening, at the Fawcett Center, the Museum hosted a public lecture by Dr. Peter Raven of the Missouri Botanical Garden .
The next day, the Museum opened it's doors to the public for the first ever Museum of Biological Diversity Open House. The event included hands-on activities, displays and informative stations, and a temporary gift shop sponsored by local shopkeepers. Guided tours of the facility, led by Museum staff and students, provided a glimpse at the collections and their holdings.
The event was a success. Sponsors include Tecan Biological Instruments, Varmint Guard, and Accent on Wild Birds. Merchants on the site included: Accent on Wild Birds and Passoa Microscopes. The event was covered by the Dispatch on Sunday, May 1, 2005.
Highlights of the 2005 event:
- Alumni Symposium, Friday afternoon: 76 people in attendance after the coffee break.
- Triplehorn Insect Collection Dedication, Friday evening: 116 people at the unveiling of the plaque.
- Lecture by Dr. Peter Raven: "How Many Species Will Survive the 21st Century?” - Friday evening: 121 people just before question/answer period.
- Museum Open House, Saturday, noon - 4PM
Quick facts about the 2005 Museum Open House:
- Date: April 30, 2005
- Hours: noon - 4PM
- Number of visitors: 391
- Number of volunteers: 50