
2020 Museum Open House is Postponed Indefinitely
The 2020 Museum of Biological Diversity Open House is postponed indefinitely. We make this decision to support the health of our staff, volunteers, and community.
We apologize for…

Tetrapod Collection Featured in ASC Daily Post and ASCent Online
The Tetrapod Collection at the Museum of Biological Diversity was featured in ASC's Daily Post and ASCent Online. You can read the entire ASCent article here…

New Curator of Tetrapods
The Museum has been joined by Dr. Tamaki Yuri (, our new curator of the Tetrapod collection and instructor for Ohio Birds (EEOB 2220).
Dr. Yuri is an expert in bird…

October is Tetrapods Month - Help Us Preserve Them
Let’s make October the month of tetrapods. Think about the changes in the lives of these four-limbed creatures in fall as they prepare for a long cold period with limited access to food.

New museum BLOG
The purpose of the museum blog is to share with the community the happenings, news, and successes (and sometimes failures) of the research collections (herbarium, ticks & mites,…

Bird Study Skin Preparation
Stephanie Malinich and Rebecca Price have been preparing bird specimens for the museum collection all autumn. If you are interested in learning this skill or would like to watch them prepare a…