


Daly discusses mitochondrial DNA of tube anemones in Ohio State News article

Researchers, including a team from The Ohio State University, have published new findings showing that the DNA of the tube anemone does what few other species’ mitochondrial genomes have been shown…
Arctic Butterflies

Triplehorn Collection Launches Citizen Science Project

The Triplehorn Insect Collection is seeking the public’s assistance in creating a digital archive of thousands of Arctic butterflies. The data will help answer questions about taxonomy and climate…

Photographing Arctics Oeneis butterflies

Triplehorn Insect Collection asks public to help label butterflies

Check it out! Our recent citizen science expedition on Notes from Nature made the College of Arts and Sciences News today. Notes from Nature, one of the many people-powered…

Matt Boot

Boot receives NSF GRFP award

Congratulations to Adams Megalomyrmex Ant Lab PhD student, Matt Boot, who received an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program award (GRFP)! Matt studies leafcutter ants in Panama to…

Calixomeria dorsal view

New publication: on tiny parasitic wasp Calixomeria

A new genus and species of the seldom-studied platygastroid subfamily Sceliotrachelinae is described from Australia. Calixomeria is a tiny (less than 1 mm long!), uniparental (females…

Norm Johnson

Lahey and Johnson publish article in ZooKeys

Calixomeria, a new genus of Sceliotrachelinae (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae) from AustraliaZachary Lahey, Lubomír Masner, Norman F. Johnson. 2019. ZooKeys 830: 63-73.…
John Freudenstein

Freudenstein publishes article in Annals of Botany

Relationships between Tertiary relict and circumboreal woodland floras: a case study in Chimaphila (Ericaceae)Zhen-Wen Liu, Jing Zhou, Hua Peng, John V Freudenstein, Richard I Milne. 2019. Annals of…
Hans Klompen

Klompen publishes article in International Journal for Parasitology

Feeding on sexually-active bull moose advances development of the winter tick, Dermacentor albipictusJay A.Yoder, Peter J.Pekins, Cameron J.Dobrotka, Kelli A.Fisher, Lee Kantar, Scott McLellan, Matt…
picture of yellow bird specimens lined up along a table

Tetrapod Collection Featured in ASC Daily Post and ASCent Online

The Tetrapod Collection at the Museum of Biological Diversity was featured in ASC's Daily Post and ASCent Online. You can read the entire ASCent article here…