Curator receives Distinguished Staff Award

Dr. Luciana Musetti, Curator of the Triplehorn Insect Collection, has received the Distinguished Staff Award, Ohio State University's highest honor for nonteaching staff. The award annually honors 12 individuals for their outstanding achievements, service, leadership and dedication to the university. The 2017 awards will be presented to the honorees on May 1, at a celebratory luncheon.
Dr. Lu is too modest to toot her own horn, but she is not shy when it comes to promoting the collection, and the people she works with, or to profess her love for insect and the science of Entomology. Besides all her curatorial and mentoring work in the collection, she still finds time and energy to share her passion and interests on various social media outlets. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram (@osuc_curator) and check out her writings on the collection blog, the Pinning Block, among others.