Tod Stuessy awarded honorary doctorate

August 24, 2018

Tod Stuessy awarded honorary doctorate

Tod Stuessy holding his award

Emeritus Professor Tod Stuessy, past Director of the OSU Herbarium, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Concepción in Chile. 

The award ceremony was held on August 8, 2018 in the Pinacoteca (art museum) of the university.  As part of the visit, Tod gave two lectures and was interviewed on local radio.  Tod’s association with the University of Concepción dates from 1977, when cooperative research activities began between the Department of Botany at OSU and Concepción. 

This interaction over four decades has led to more than 100 published articles in international journals, including Science and Nature, plus last year a book with Cambridge University Press (Plants of Oceanic Islands: evolution, biogeography, and conservation of the Juan Fernandez (Robinson Crusoe) Archipelago).  Graduate student training, short courses, and joint field expeditions were important parts of the programmatic activities.  

In 1994, Tod received the Office of International Affairs Outstanding Faculty Award in recognition of these achievements in international education associated with the University of Concepción.

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