We're finalists on the 2018 "Youtube Your Entomology" Contest!

"Wasps to Human Surgery: Inspiration From Nature", video created by Jessika Raisor (Columbus College of Art and Design) in collaboration with Huayan Chen and Luciana Musetti (Ohio State University), is among the five finalists for the Entomological Society of America "Youtube Your Entomology" contest.
Jessika, an animation student at CCAD, spent a semester as an intern at the Triplehorn Insect Collection learning about insects and about the inner workings of a large university collection. The internship is part of our program to bring art students into the collection, show them what excites us as scientists, and inspire them then to apply their talents and gifts to help to share our excitement with the rest of the world.
You can watch all the 2018 contest finalists here: