

Preferred specimens

OSU Museum specimens highlighted in the news.

The Museum of Biological Diversity at Ohio State and its amazing specimens were featured in the Columbus Dispatch today. 

The article includes a very nice video of the scientists and…

Monostiolum simonei Watters, 2016, from Cabo Frio, Brazil, 200 m depth

New species of gastropod from Brazil

Recent publication by Dr. Watters, Curator of the Division of Molluscs at the Museum of Biological Diversity.

Watters, G.T. 2016. A new species of Monostiolum Dall, 1904 (Gastropoda:…

Abbottella moreletiana complex

Newly described species of land snail from the Dominican Republic

Recent publication by Dr. Watters, Curator of the Division of Molluscs at the Museum of Biological Diversity.


Watters, G.T. 2016. The Abbottella moreletiana complex in…

Oxyscelio bicolor, head and thorax dorsal view

Thirteen new species of African parasitoid wasps

A recent publication from the Johnson Systemarics Lab documents thirteen new species of egg parasitoid wasp of the genus Oxyscelio (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Platygastridae)


Burks RA,…
The Dave Parshall collection was presented to OSU in October 2015.

Large Ohio and Arctic Butterfly Collection Received

On October 15th the Triplehorn Insect Collection received the David Parshall Butterfly Collection, a gift of over 50,000 pinned specimens, plus many thousands more preserved in envelopes.…

Ethelema, an iron clad beetle. Image available online.

Biological museums work to digitize and publish entire collections.

Museums around the globe, including at Ohio State University, are trying to harness the power of digital technology to make available collections that have long lay dormant on shelves and in dusty…

screenshot of the mueseum blog

New museum BLOG

The purpose of the museum blog is to share with the community the happenings, news, and successes (and sometimes failures) of the research collections (herbarium, ticks & mites,…

Catacola Moth

Volunteers help catalog specimens in Triplehorn Insect Collection

The work of curatorial staff and volunteers of the Triplehorn Insect Collection is featured in the Columbus Dispatch article 'Making a dent in the backlog: Volunteers help catalog…

Bompus sp

Citizen scientists tracking Ohio bumblebees

Citizen scientists tracking Ohio bumblebees: Curator Luciana Musetti is featured in an article in the Columbus Dispatch ‘Nature’s barometer’ facing challenges, possibly due to humans’…