

Tod Stuessy holding his award

Tod Stuessy awarded honorary doctorate

Emeritus Professor Tod Stuessy, past Director of the OSU Herbarium, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Concepción in Chile. 

The award ceremony was held on…

Arctic Oeneis butterflies from OSU part of citizen science network

Arctic Oeneis butterflies from Ohio State part of citizen science network

Arctic Oeneis butterfly specimens from the Triplehorn Insect Collection at Ohio State are now up on Notes from Nature, a citizen science platform that connects museum collections with…

Specimen drawings by Jessika Raisor

We're finalists on the 2018 "Youtube Your Entomology" Contest!

"Wasps to Human Surgery: Inspiration From Nature", video created by Jessika Raisor (Columbus College of Art and Design) in collaboration with Huayan Chen and Luciana Musetti (Ohio State University…

Holotype of the new species Chromoteleia depilis

New publication: Revision of Chromoteleia

Chen, H-y, Talamas, EJ, Masner, L, Johnson, NF (2018). Revision of the world species of the genus Chromoteleia Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Scelioninae). ZooKeys 778:…


REU Poster Presentation 7/20/18

Please join us on Friday, July 20 from 2-4 pm in Aronoff 104 for poster presentations by the EEOB REU students. They have done fantastic work in their short time here!

Chen's seminar

Thesis defense: Huayan Chen

Huayan Chen defended his PhD thesis on Monday, July 2, with a seminar entitle "Systematics and Evolution of the Superfamily Platygastroidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera)."


Meg Daly discusses lobsters with NBC 4

EEOB Professor and Museum of Biological Diversity Director, Meg Daly discusses the lifespan of a lobster with NBC 4. Read the article here.


Johnson & Musetti featured in Dispatch

EEOB Professor, Norm Johnson, and Triplehorn Insect Collection Curator, Luciana Musetti, had their work on parasitoid wasps featured on the front page of the May 14th Columbus Dispatch. Read the…

Face of a parasitoid wasp in the genus Sparasion

Scientific Wild West: parasitoid wasps among least studied

Reporter Marion Renault visited the Johnson Lab and the Triplehorn Insect Collection to learn about parasitoid wasps, a megadiverse group of fascinating and tremendously important insects that are…