
Recent News

Marc Kibbey holding a Fish

Museum of Biological Diversity goes to the COSI Science Festival

COSI’s Science Festival is Ohio’s largest annual science event and features dozens of virtual events showcasing great science being done in Ohio. The festival’s goal is to show science is…

Mussel conservation flyer for March 24, 2021 event

Freshwater Mussel Conservation – National and Ohio perspectives

The Ohio Biodiversity Conservation Partnership (OBCP) at Ohio State University is hosting a VIRTUAL symposium on freshwater mussel conservation in honor of the late G. Thomas Watters on Wednesday…

First Virtual Internship a Success!

The first virtual internship offered by the Triplehorn Insect Collection this summer was featured prominently in a news story on Elon University's website. 

"Virtual internship…

Carpenter bee

A very special specimen of Carpenter bee

New publication highlights the value of collection specimens and the importance of making specimen level data widely available to the scientific community.

A single specimen of Carpenter…

People Directory

Director Emeritus of Borror Laboratory of Bioaccoustics; Associate Professor Emeritus
Director Emeritus of Herbarium; Professor Emeritus
Research Associate