

Bug summer campers in insect collection

Bug summer campers visit our museum

Fifteen participants (grades 6-8) of the Bug Summer camp visited our insect collection and DNA lab today.

Participants of Acarology summer program

Acarology summer program

Another busy day at the Acarology summer program at our museum


 visiting 3rd graders sort Tetrapods with Grant

visit of 3rd graders

On 3-May-2017 undergraduate student assistant Grant Terrell faciilitated a visit of 3rd graders to the Tetrapods collection.

REU students in insect collection

REU students visit MBD

Participants in the Mathematical Biosciences Institute summer undergraduate program visited the MBD on 7 June, 2017. Their first stop was in the herbarium where Dr. John Freudenstein showedd them…

crayfish mud chimney

Crayfish in Maine?

Ohio State Ph.D. student Mael Glon is conducting a study on burrowing crayfishes. These crayfishes are adapted to life in habitats such as roadside ditches and vernal ponds that occasionally…

Amblema plicata

New publication from mollusc collection

Ieva Roznere, now Postdoctoral researcher and visiting sceintist, studied for her PhD project "Health assessment of freshwater mussels using metabolomics". Ieva recently published some of her…

OSU distinguished staff awardees 2017

Distinguished Staff Award

On May 1 Luciana Musetti, curator of the Triplehorn insect collection, and 11 other OSU staff members were honored with the Distinguished Staff Award for their remarkable accomplishments,…

Pieridae butterflies

Butterfly curation featured on Columbus Monthly Magazine

The Triplehorn Insect Collection is featured in the May issue of the Columbus Monthly Magazine. The article, entitled 'Winging it at the Ohio State University', highlights the work of volunteers…


Curator receives Distinguished Staff Award

Dr. Luciana Musetti, Curator of the Triplehorn Insect Collection, has received the Distinguished Staff Award, Ohio State University's highest honor for nonteaching staff.  The award…