
Luciana Musetti receives OSU Distinguished Staff Award
Congratulations to Dr. Luciana Musetti, curator of the Triplehorn Insect collection, on winning the OSU Distinguished Staff Award! Lu is one of 12 individuals honored for her outstanding service,…

Ethan Calvert at Denman Forum
Ethan Calvert, undergraduate student researcher here at the Triplehorn Insect Collection & the Johnson Lab, presented a scientific poster at the prestigious Denman Undergraduate…

New publication: Phanuromyia galeata species group
Nesheim KC, Masner L, Johnson NF (2017). The Phanuromyia galeata species group (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Telenominae): shining a lantern into an unexplored corner of Neotropical…

New publication: Maxillolabial complex in scelionids.
Popovici, Vilhelmsen, Masner, Mikó & Johnson. (2017). Maxillolabial complex in scelionids (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea): morphology and phylogenetic implications. Insect Systematics &…

Mammalogy students learn curatorial techniques
OSU undergraduate students in the mammalogy class taught by Bryan Carstens learned today about museum techniques in the MBD from collection manager Stephanie Malinich.
The students helped…

New publication: New World Calliscelio
Chen H-y, Masner L, Johnson NF (2017). New World species of the genus Calliscelio Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Scelioninae). ZooKeys 648: 1-136.
This new…

Mussel ID workshop
Tom Watters, curator of mollusks at the Ohio State Museum of Biodiversity, will hold a Mussel ID workshop at the 2017 symposium of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society in Cleveland, OH…

Freshwater mussel conservation
Tom Watters, curator of mollusks at the Ohio State Museum of Biodiversity, gave a talk at the Annual Meeting of the Three Valley Conservation trust on January 28, 2017. Tom spoke about freshwater…

Angelika Nelson receives a staff professional development grant
Angelika Nelson received a staff professional development grant to attend the 50th Annual Environmental Education Council of Ohio conference at Deer Creek State parl on April 6-9, 2017.